We are in the final two weeks before the 2015 A Cappella Gospel Sing. This is our 5th annual event. We hope you can come and be a part of an event that has been a huge blessing and encouragement to so many people. We are pleased to be able to offer live coverage again this year with updated equipment and hopefully a broadcast without interruptions. If you are one of those that can’t come and enjoy the live, in person, setting, then we invite you to watch the video broadcast. There is no way you can get the full affects of the “in person” setting but it will be better than none. If you watch online and miss the opportunity to give to the offering, we would like to encourage you to submit a donation when you see the “Donate” tab if you care to and it will help the groups defray some of the expense of travel to be there.
We are so thrilled to have John Stoltzfus from Penn Yan, NY coming to sing some of his favorite songs that he has memorized over the years. John will be an inspiration to everyone he meets. God has blessed him with many opportunities to share his unique gifts of memorizing verses, stories and songs. 2015 AGS may be the largest venue he has shared at but I know you will love him as I do and learn to appreciate his acceptance of the disabilities he was born with. Get the book written about John’s life which will be available at the AGS. I know you will enjoy it. John has very special parents, too. Aaron and Susie have poured their hearts of love into John’s life as they did to all of their children. Please meet them and bless them as they have blessed so many others.
We look forward to meeting many of you again! Please understand if I struggle to name you when we meet. It’s not getting any easier but I know it has nothing to do with age. So humor me and tell me who you are if you see that vacant stare in my eyes that tells you nothing is registering.
Thank you in advance for your faithful support. May I especially ask for your support in prayer. We do not want this to become a mechanical performance where God seems to be left out. But rather, join us as we seek to bring glory and honor to our risen Lord Jesus Christ through song and word.
His servant,